Street Tracker Wins “Best of Show” at Indy Moto GP Races
A couple of months ago we submitted pictures of our newly built Yamaha Street Tracker to Yamaha and was very surprised when they emailed us back and invited us to enter the bike in the Boz Bros Custom Bike Show held in conjunction with the 2010 Indianapolis MotoGp races.
Compliments From the King Of Street Trackers
Just got compliments from THE guy that has helped make Street Trackers popular. Richard Pollack of Mule Motorcycle Works in California is known worldwide as the premier Street Tracker builder.
Street Tracker Wins “Best of Show” at Indy Moto GP Races
A couple of months ago we submitted pictures of our newly built Yamaha Street Tracker to Yamaha and was very surprised when they emailed us back and invited us to enter the bike in the Boz Bros Custom Bike Show held in conjunction with the 2010 Indianapolis MotoGp races.
Cycle Sports Ltd. First Friday Dinner Rides
Well its time for the Sept First Friday of the month dinner ride. We have been held up by weather last two months so this month we have decided that we are going no matter what. The weather looks a little threatning out there but if its NOT raining at 7 we will ride bikes […]
Street Tracker Wins “Best of Show” at Indy Moto GP Races
A couple of months ago we submitted pictures of our newly built Yamaha Street Tracker to Yamaha and was very surprised when they emailed us back and invited us to enter the bike in the Boz Bros Custom Bike Show held in conjunction with the 2010 Indianapolis MotoGp races.
Compliments From the King Of Street Trackers
Just got compliments from THE guy that has helped make Street Trackers popular. Richard Pollack of Mule Motorcycle Works in California is known worldwide as the premier Street Tracker builder.
Street Tracker Comes To Life
Traditionally during the winter months we take on some sort of project. We have done a few vintage restorations over the years as well as helping a few of our Racer clients prepare and set up their racebikes. This year, our 29th in business, we decided to do something different, a project for ourselves.
First Gear Scout Leather Jacket
Top-grain, full-weight, drum-dyed leather (1.2 – 1.3mm) Kwik-DryTM water-resistant leather Zipper-controlled, patented 4-port Torso Vent System (TVS) Cargo Storage System (CSS) Patented, Sleeve-Vent Scoops (SVS) Fully-sleeved, snap-out ThermolinerTM with patented ThermoneckTM CE-approved Evolution armor in shoulder and elbows. *Recent addition to this jacket. Older stock may only have pockets for armor and armor must be […]
Icon Airframe Helmet – Death or Glory, Black
Some live their life in moderation – a careful balancing act devoid of excess. And that’s fine, the world needs those people. Then there are those who are destined to leave their mark on history’s pages.
Motorcycle Inspections
Cycle Sports Ltd. of Houston is a Certified Texas Motorcycle Inspection Station. Call us to make an appointment, or stop by when we’re open Tuesday thru Saturday, we can probably work you in with no waiting.
Our Service Department Is Open
At Cycle Sports Ltd. of Houston, our Service Department is always ready, if a job is a little more than you’d like to tackle on your own. Its always best to get servicing done early before its necessary.
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Welcome to Cycle Sports Houston! We are undergoing construction on our all-new website!